Tue 21 June 2005 - 20:39

Why the ultra trail ?

What is then this ultra trail I've been talking about since a while ? The Ultra Trail Tour du Mont-Blanc is a mountain "race" of 158.1km and 8639m of positive ascent (according to the last profile) in 3 countries - France, Italy, Switzerland. If I'm able to finish (which is not sure at all !), I'll probably take 30h to 45h to complete the loop, half of the trail being run by night. The difficulty is more due to the ascent rather than the actual distance. Obviously I won't run full-speed all the way long ! I'll try to walk at good pace in the uphill sections and to run in the downhill ones.

This sounds crazy isn't it ? So why trying to do that ? First of all, I like hiking in the mountains. I like to see the as much landscape as I can in a hiking day. I also enjoy running, especially long distances (although a marathon is quite a short distance in this context ;)). I like the challenges. I like to touch my limits, and I've been a quite disapointed not to really see these limits at the Belfast Marathon. So it was natural to me to be attracted by such an adventure.

My training will be slightly complicated because there are no hills around. I'll then go cycling to some hilly places and run repetitively the slopes. My weekly schedule will look like the following:
  • running 3x 1h-2h (15km to 25km)
  • swimming 2x 1h (2km) - the arms will be useful with the hiking poles
  • cycling 1x long distance (probably 150km or more if possible)
  • circuit training 1x - for fun
In the mean time, I'd like to put on weight to store energy - 2 to 4kg. This won't be easy with so much exercice ....

PS: if you want to see the pictures of the London to Brighton Bike Ride, don't hesitate to spam Rachel by e-mail or text message to ask her to take her camera and the cable and the drivers ;)

Posted by Julien | Permalink | Categories: Hiking/Running