Thu 23 June 2005 - 11:04

Putting on weight ...

I now have 2 months to take at least 3kg (1/2 stone), in order to have enough stored energy for the ultra trail. It's quite a challenge ! And hiking the GR54 in the French Alps between July and August won't help with that matter... Thanks to you all that offered to give me some of yours, but the exchange may be a bit complicated ;)... Let me say 2 things to the ones that told me or thought I was underweighted (*):

1. It's not an easy thing to hear. On one hand, overweighted people are quite protected because nobody dares telling them. There's a kind of social taboo behind that: overweighted people already suffer enough, it's not their fault or whatever. You can't decently tell to somebody he(she)'s fat. But on the other hand you can easily make fun of skinny people. It doesn't seem to be a real problem, they're not supposed to suffer because of that. It seems assumed that they could put on weight if they want. It's just fun...
Can you tell me the real difference between a skinny person that can't put on weight and a fat one that can't loose any, both being angry with their scale ?

2. If you believe it's so easy to put on weight, send me your recipe at I'm already eating 4 meals a day plus snacks. I'm having plates of 250g of pasta with loads of full-fat cheese and crême fraîche (32% fat). But I guess you think it's not enough, don't you ? So let's make a deal. If your recipe schedule is balanced enough (I don't want to finish like Morgan Spurlock in "Supersize Me"), I promise you I'll try it for two weeks. And we'll see ...

(*) I'm not underweighted: at the moment I'm at my minimum weight and still have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 20.3 - normal BMI being between 20 and 25.

Posted by Julien | Permalink | Categories: Everyday life, Hiking/Running