Fri 25 November 2005 - 13:37

A tribute to LaTeX

Writing a paper at the moment, an e-mail was suddenly sent to the \LaTeX users:

We MUST move your writing to MS Word for all your future articles.

I won't waffle about the reasons (real or official) (*), but I'm \textbf{really} unhappy about it \includegraphics{sad.png}. First on a technical point of view, I'm going to have to care about the style and so on. Versions won't be compatible on all computers, EndNote never works, I can't work from home as I don't have MS Windows, etc ...
Secondly, this seriously hurts my ethics. Lately I've been more and more reluctant to proprietary software. Should I really compromise and use this shit ? Is that a lab of computer scientists or of businessmen ?

\begin{Huge}\textbf{ ARRRGGGGG }\end{Huge}

(*) Actually, I can't resist to give you the first reason I was told: \textit{MS Word is more compatible} - troll inside !

Posted by Julien | Permalink | Categories: Politics, Research (my PhD)